Is It Time For Your Elderly Parent To Have Greater Care?

Have you come to realize that it is no longer safe for your elderly parent to live by herself or by himself? Perhaps you have noticed that your elderly parent hasn't been taking medication as it has been prescribed. Or, you might have had to rush to his or her aid when he or she got disoriented. It might even be that one of your elderly parent's neighbors has talked to you about your parent putting himself or herself in harm's way. [Read More]

A Few Reasons To Consider A Nursing Home To Rehabilitate After Joint Replacement Surgery

Even though you are released from the hospital within a few days of having joint replacement surgery, it does not necessarily mean you are ready to go home. You can if you have someone who will stay there with you and get you to and from the necessary physical therapy appointments. However, it is often better to go to a nursing home or assisted living facility for short-term rehabilitation. Here are just a few reasons you should consider spending a week or so at some type of rehab center. [Read More]

Maintaining Independence While Getting The Help Needed Through Assisted Living

For many older adults, the thought of going into a retirement or nursing home is just not something they want to do. Even if they need some assistance from day to day, most people want to be as independent as possible and make some of the day-to-day decisions for their own life. One option for many of these older adults is to go into an assisted living facility and maintain some freedom. [Read More]

Move Into An Assisted Living Community And Discover A Real Quality-Of-Life Improvement

Some seniors are able to continue living in their homes with help coming from a network of family members. Other seniors may not have help from family members but could be eligible for home care services delivered to them in their homes by hospital-based home care departments or private home care health services. So the choices are many, but care must be given to the absolute wishes of seniors who are still lucid but might do better in an assisted living community. [Read More]