When Is The Right Time To Enroll Your Loved One In An Assisted Living Facility?

Relocating your parents into an assisted living facility will probably be one of your most significant decisions. For example, you might need to know when to enroll them in the facility, despite discussing that idea with them. Therefore, if you feel confused, this piece will walk you through some situations that could indicate it is time to move.  1. Caregiving Is No Longer Sustainable  The burden of caregiving might befall you if your parents have memory or physical challenges. [Read More]

3 Tips To Help Your Parent Embrace The Idea Of Moving To The Assisted Living Facility

Do you remember the excitement you felt when you finally moved into your house and became independent? Your parents also experienced this feeling when they moved into their home. For this reason, they will want to live in that house as long as possible. However, a time will come when it won't be safe or convenient to leave your parents alone.  However, no senior looks forward to leaving all the memories created in their house behind. [Read More]

Caring For A Senior Dementia Patient At Home: A Caregiver's Perspective

Dementia patients often require a great deal of attention and care, and it can be hard to keep up with their needs. But if you have a senior patient living with you at home, you need to make life as easy as possible for them. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to help make their days more manageable and stress-free. This post outlines some of the best ways to care for a senior dementia patient in the comfort of their own home. [Read More]

Assisted Living Care For Stroke Survivors

While some stroke survivors recover without any residual neurological effects, others experience severe neurological deficits and are unable to live independently. While hiring around-the-clock caregivers may be the solution for some people, it may not be feasible for others to do so. If your loved one suffered neurological deficits as a result of a stroke, consider the following benefits of making their new home an assisted living community.  Restorative Therapy Programs [Read More]