If you are moving away from your large home, you are probably experiencing many emotions. You may be feeling melancholy about leaving a place where you have created many memories. You may even be sad about having to get rid of some of your furnishings and other belongings that you have grown to love. On the other hand, you may be a bit relieved that you won't have to care for a large amount of space and you might even be happy that you won't be doing extensive yard work.
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3 Steps To Take When An Alzheimer's Loved One Wants To 'Go Home'
When a senior has Alzheimer's, they often say things that are unclear and that they don't truly mean. In some cases, they may tell you that they want to go home and they may actually already be at home. This is something that you have to deal with as a caregiver. For that reason, it is very important that you know how to deal with this situation when it arises in order to calm them down.
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What To Look For When Helping Your Parent Choose An Assisted Living Facility
If you're in the process of helping your parent move from their current home into an assisted living facility, then it's important that you have a checklist of things to look for. The move is a big one, and it's important that you make sure that the facility has everything your parent needs before choosing a facility. Some prerequisites are essential for your parent's health, while others are important simply for convenience and to make your parent's golden years easier.
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What Steps Are Important In Senior Memory Care
Some form of memory decline is common in most seniors, so all aging adults can benefit from taking some steps to prevent their memory, But, of course, some of the memory loss issues can play a bigger role in health and daily living. Here are some steps for senior memory care that apply to different people along this spectrum.
Health, Diet and Exercise
Minor memory loss is something to monitor, it can potentially be helped with the right vitamin supplements and dietary changes.
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